Sunday, January 23, 2011

Committing to Change

While I work to resolve inner conflict and heal my heart, I also plan to focus on my external condition. Yes, I am referring to weight! I'd love to lose 15 pounds and look and feel stronger. I am very soft right now, and my padding is shifting to new parts! Yuck. For the past year, I have noticed a much slower metabolism. I knew that I couldn't eat the same diet, especially once I stopped breastfeeding and exercising. A piece of me wants to pledge - here on this post - that I will no longer delight in chocolate candy or cookies or chips. But I am afraid that I'll fail and end up with a giant egg on my face.


Why not pledge to exercise six days a week, alternating cardio and weight lifting, and continue to monitor the morsels on my plate?

I've already given up my beloved Chick-Fil-A vanilla shakes, Doritos, Oreos, and Diet Coke. I'm no saint - I do eat some chips and crackers - I simply watch the serving size. However, I refuse to abstain from coffee! It is a morning ritual and something I look forward to. At lunch, I try to limit carbs and focus on fruits.

I also know my danger hour - early evening when I'm sitting at the computer, planning for the next school day. Often I'll reach for chocolate. Why don't I clear the cabinets and allow zero chocolate in the house? Because I am a woman and complete deprivation isn't always the answer. Do I buy peanut M&Ms? No! I have no will power with those tantalizing candies in the kitchen! Yet I can purchase chocolate chips and not have the same response. And we can actually bake with the chips!

(Sigh)...I guess, as with most things, the diet will be a day to day effort. But perhaps this time, I'll pray for God's strength too.

My goal date is July (my son's second birthday), a short six months away. My incentive is a new wardrobe. Please Lord, help me to become healthier. Not for a passing goal, but for a lifetime.

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