Blog Background

Initially, I created Speech Paint on Word Press.  My original idea was to establish a blog that others could read and enjoy.  Word Press had a solid reputation for converting to a dot com site, so I chose it over Blogger.  Unfortunately, Word Press doesn't have flexibility in certain gadgets and tools that I wanted, and the more I searched and viewed other blogs on the Internet, the less I liked the rigidity.  So I became a return user of Blogger and drafted a version of Speech Paint here.

At first, my blog was only for my eyes - an attractive diary for me to record feelings, thoughts, aspirations, and experiences.  But I soon changed my mind.  Perhaps one person will read a post and relate to my words.  Perhaps someone will be inspired by something I write.  It's still a journey for me, and if I'm the only one to read Speech Paint, that's okay too.

My blog is eclectic; it is not a single topic or subject or commentary.  Just as my life isn't packaged into neat bins, Speech Paint may cover the gamut of current issues.  I'm in an interesting part of my life adventure and writing has always been a terrific outlet for me.  Join me and read along as I mature (hopefully!) emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Why the name, Speech Paint?

I believe that the name chose me.  A handful of years ago, I thought my future involved a home-based business and I dove into the task of deciding a company name.  Bewildered, I grabbed an old thesaurus, thumbed through it, and discovered the quote by the Greek lyric poet Simonides - "Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting with the gift of speech."  I loved the image of Speech Paint - the ink or paint on paper and the written words speaking for me.  And I admit, the quirkiness was attractive too!

As far back as I can remember, I've always enjoyed words.  Manipulating them, spelling them, editing them, and using them to express how I feel.  Most importantly, I believed that by writing, people could read my chosen words and truly hear me.