Forever Myself

Have you ever reached a true moment of clarity?  Some describe it as the light-bulb coming on or as the "a-ha" moment.  Through God's grace and love, I experienced mine.

It may sound odd, but I realized in my moment of clarity that I am enough.  Warts, sins and all, I am a worthy person.  I understand that I've been given one shot and I'd better make the most of my time.  No more pouting and dwelling over negative childhood memories and experiences.  No more playing the victim role!  No more comparing myself to others.  No more paralyzing self-doubt.  No more worrying about what may be.

I am forever myself.  I must accept myself as the Lord accepts me.  I must walk in His love and obey His commands daily so I can be a true role model for my children.  I must not live for this world but for eternal life.  The only way that I came to this moment of clarity was through all the experiences - good, bad and ugly.  All brought me to this pivotal point.  May I continue to keep Him in the forefront and never forget that my moment of clarity was a true blessing.

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33